Friday 16 May 2008


If you know anything about blogging you will know that there is something called NaBloWriMo, which is short hand for National Blog Writing Month (I think) and those that sign up have to write one post per day if they are participating, which is a good way of getting people into the habit of blogging. you remember my post about someone else's post about how comments are valuable to bloggers? Yesterday, purely by chance, I came across this blog that is setting up NaComLeavMo, which is all about a month of leaving comments! (in the words of Mel - more conversation than you can shake a stick at!).

This will be taking place between the 25th May and the 25th June, so thirty days if not one of the twelve months! I am looking forward to establishing more connections and having some good conversation, want to know more - visit the blog I mentioned above!

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