Friday 7 March 2008


Am not in Adelaide just yet - my flight is this afternoon! I am a bit worried about the Adelaide weather - the temperatures for the last few days and today has been in the 30's!! I hope that I am up to that kind of heat!

Oh well, it's a bit late now as I am off to the airport in about an hour and will be met by my Aunt and Uncle at the other end with plans for a dinner at an Italian restaurant tonight!

The opera on Wednesday was wonderful - a fantastic, modern version of La Boheme - both moving and funny with superb music - those opera singers certainly know how to maximise lung volume!

Visited the Blue Mountains yesterday and descended the Giant's Steps - vertigo inducing for those that don't have a head for heights - I have taken lots of photos just for you Mum! The mountains were lovely and cool in the shade with the fragrance of eucalyptus hanging in the air.

Well, I had best be off now as I am running out of my allotted time for the internet and before I head for the airport I need to get some souvenirs from the Tourist Information Centre - which is where I am sitting at this very moment.


Anonymous said...

Sam - you certainly have the right kind of dress for a wedding in 30 degrees! The mountains sound wonderful, enjoy your pizza tonight xx

Anonymous said...

Sounds wonderful Sam -have a great time at the wedding and keep blogging!


Matthew said...

Has the wedding already happened? What's going on with that?

antmee said...

Great post. I hope you got to enjoy my town even though it was a heat wave. It got up to 47 degrees at one time.