Monday, 14 April 2008

Licence to be extra bossy!

Although many people will tell you that I don't need a licence to be bossy as I just am!

Anyway, I had some good news today, but first let me tell you a bit of the background story.

About two years ago all the NHS staff had to go through a pesky process called Agenda for Change, which basically meant that we all had to rewrite our job descriptions in order to be matched to an appropriate band and the whole idea was to make jobs/salaries far more transparent and equitable.

So instead of lots of different bands and scales, we ended up with a nine band scale and I was duly placed on a band that was seen to be appropriate. However, and it is rather a big however, when it came to my accreditation, I discovered from one of the assessors that I was actually on a pay band lower than all my colleagues in the area!

Huh - well, that was a bit of a surprise. The thing is that at the time of Agenda for Change, I thought that my job was at the right level and in the right band, but I did have trouble deciding for myself whether I was in one band or another when I am probably actually halfway between the two! Anyway, as you can imagine, one of the recommendations of the report following the accreditation was that my job be reassessed and banded more appropriately.

What happened next was that after a bit of research into similar posts and redrafting my job description (and chatting with my manager who actually said that this was apparently a particular problem in the Trust where I work), everything went to a Board of some sort, I don't actually know which one!

Then today I got confirmation that my job has now been rebanded!! Which of course, gives me licence to be more bossy! It does mean a bit of payrise (yay!), but it also means a bit more defined responsibility (yuk!). So, now I need to go into work tomorrow and be more like a manager than just someone who works in a library! All those reports to read and write!

So, the good news does come with a bit of sting in the tail, but at least with all these mortgage scares I keep hearing about, I should be able to keep up my payments!


Anonymous said...

Sam - this could be the second comment you get, the first one didn't show! Original went like this:

Brill news Sam - I am really pleased for you (although of course will be more pleased after enjoying the celebratory meal ... )

Enjoy spending/saving all that extra cash!



Alice said...

CONGRATS, Sam! Go and be bossy! LOL. :)

Lori Watson said...

Congrats on what amounts to a promotion, I assume? Sort of?

Thank you SOOOOOO much for explaining to me how to do links! It was so easy once I knew how. I appreciate the help!!!!!!!