Yes, it's one of the family's favourite films, The Princess Bride, I even have the book, but in this particular instance I think that the film is actually better than the book.
What I like about this film most is that it is one that the whole family likes, which is fairly unusual as there were six of us back when we were all living at home and I should think that we all had fairly different tastes when it came to all things dramatic.
The Princess Bride also reminds me of a particular family memory...we were all sat there watching the film (not for the first time I might add) drinking tea and eating too many biscuits when it came to the bit where Fezzik the giant throws a rock at Westley, only to explode against a boulder behind Westley. It made me jump so much that I threw tea all over myself!!!
Even as I watch the film now, I know all the ins and outs of the story and yet I still get pleasure from it, fortunately I am past the time where the above scene still makes me jump! This is quite definitely a classic film that will never grow old I am sure.
I love The Princess Bride - it's one of my favorite films. I have it in my list of movies for a Way Back Wednesday review. I'll let you know when I post it!
Oh, I love that movie! It truly is a classic.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this movie. My husband can quote practically the entire thing. You have great taste!
Definitely one of my faves, and definitely better than the book. Which I thought was kind of odd.
Now you've got me itching to see the thing again!
via Mel's Snow and Tell
Aaaaaaaas yooouuuuu wiiiiiiish....
OOOO. I just saw the Groucho Marx quote at the bottom of your blog.
"Take a cab. If you don't want to leave in a cab, leave in a huff. If you don't want to leave in a huff leave in a minute and a huff." (not sure if that is verbatim, but you get the point).
ohh love that movie!!! so the imagination you asked me about the other day, I just never really grew up! helps create the battle of the uterus masterpieces ha ha!
That movie is one of my all time favorites! I just love the priest hee hee hee gets me every time.
The first thing that came to my mind was: "As you wish"...
*deep sigh*. Good movie!
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