Thursday 13 September 2007

British Medical Association

I was at the British Medical Association last night, the building is a grand old thing on Tavistock Square near Euston Station and is currently undergoing a facelift and is all covered in scaffolding so I couldn't actually see much of it!

I was attending the BMA Medical Book Competition Awards for 2007, this included awards for Patient Information Leaflets - of which I get about ten a year to review for the competition. I have been doing this reviewing for about four years, so it was very nice to get an invitation this year.

Anyway, there were first prizes in all categories of books; from Anaesthesia to Medicine to Ophthalmology, and an overall "Book Winner" was chosen from the list of winners and that was Allergy (3rd Edition) by Stephen Holgate, Martin Church and Lawrence Lichtenstein published in 2006.

The first prize for the Patient Information Leaflet awards went to Breakthrough Breast Cancer that had published a leaflet entitled Breast Cancer Risk Factors: The Facts.

It really was quite satisfying for me to see the end product of the work that I do for this competition - all on a voluntary basis! I am sure that I will be doing this next year as well, but probably wont get another invitation for a few years as the presentation is quite a small one - a select group of invitees of course!

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