There was an advanced paediatric life saving course running at the hospital last week and when I saw the above bodies lining up in the hallway, I was so glad I had my camera in my handbag - so I went back to my locker, grabbed it and snapped this photograph.
These rather lifelike faces have come a long way from the original Resusi-Annie that definitely looked fake and plastic! Despite the oddity of seeing such things in the hallway, I am glad that someone had the idea of creating fake bodies so that paramedics, nurses and other healthcare staff could practice as it's the old catch-22 isn't it - how can you get experience without practice and of course, this is one sort of experience that you really would rather not obtain via a real life experience so the fake people come in handy here!
Too weird, but cool in a strange way. I too am glad they have come a long way in teaching with more life like bodies. Did you talk to any of them? I would have, or at least picked up a baby or two.
My dad taught CPR when I was a kid back in the Resuscitation Annie days. I remember walking down the stairs in the morning, shocked to see a dead body, but it was just Annie. I miss that the mannequins these days don't have arms and legs. The ones we use now at work even have removable faces!
Cpr bodies always freak me out a little bit. It is way too scary when you are the last to leave the building at night. I would always imagine some horror movie scenario and sprint out the door. Great picture.
I always feel funny 'bagging up the bodies' after a trauma class. The funny thing is our newest body folds up completely in half and is stored in a large suitcase, as opposed to the old 'body bag'. I felt like a criminal out of a murder movie folding her up in there.
I'm glad that I haven't gotten QUITE to the point of wanting to take one of those babies home with me. Luckily I'm not crazy enough to do it. Not yet . . .
Very funny. I remember in nursing school having the "dummies" to practice on and having basically anatomically correct interchangable body parts. So strange.
Whenever I see those all I can think is, "Annie, Annie, are you ok?" The older I get, the less people get it since it's different now, but does that stop me from saying it out loud? Not a chance.
Those "dummy's" gave me a bad flashback to a time when I used to have to take CPR classes every few years!!! (I was working in a nursing home) I dreaded them then, but now realize how valuable they are & am going to re-do one soon! :)
Weird but interesting! :D
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